Trey Gonzalez
Portrayed By Bryan J. White
Gender Male
Date of Birth 2/27/1987
Age 19
Zodiac Sign Pisces
Aliases None
Place of Birth Brookyln, NY, USA
Current Location New York City, NY, USA
Occupation NYU Undergrad/Pizza Delivery Boy
Known Relatives Clarice (Mother), Julio (Father), Rosa and Lillian (Sisters)
Significant Other None
Known Abilities Tekekinesis
First Appearance Pending

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Trey Gonzalez was born in 1987 in Brookyln, NY. His father, Julio, was a first generation immigrant from the Dominican Republic, and owned a successful carpet cleaning service. His mother, Clarice, was a pianist, singer and sometimes singer with the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Trey grew up with his parents and two younger sisters, Rosa and Lillian, in a Brownstone apartment. They were a close family and, while not rich, were comfortable enough to be relatively free from want.

Trey did reasonably well in school and attended Brooklyn Tech high school. During his freshman, sophmore and junior years, he played on the varsity football team, but an injury sidelined him for his senior year and forced his removal from the roster. It was during this time that he developed an appreciation for art, especially that of comics and graphic novels. His parents were more or less supportive of his interest and did not interfere when he chose to attend NYU and enrolled in the Tisch school of arts.

It was during his freshman year at NYU that Trey's abilities first manifested. While spending long hours at the studio to finish a term project and running on mostly caffeine and sugar, he found himself in a sort of waking sleep and attempted to reach for a paintbrush that was halfway across the room. To his surprise, the brush wiggled loose of its container and flew across the room, landing in his hand. Intrigued, he tried again and found that he could bring more brushes and tubes of paint to himself, just by concentrating upon them. Believing himself to be having a dream, he willed the brushes and paints to fly about his canvas, painting wild and strange imagery on the board. Shortly afterwards, exhaustion and exhiliration overwhelmed him and he fell asleep with his head on one of the tables. When the janitor woke him in the morning, his painting was still there, and his supplies lay all about the room. He ended up getting a D for the project, but it barely mattered, given his newfound discovery.

Trey is currently in his sophmore year at NYU and works delivering pizza to make up for what financial aid does not. He has, to this point, kept his abilities a closely guarded secret, unsure of what they mean, and who to tell. Raised a Christian, he is conflicted with the implications of his abilities, but he is nonetheless thrilled at the things that he can do, and practices controlling his power in private.


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