2008-01-05: Finding The Hero In You


Kitty_icon.gif Hiro_icon.gif

Summary: Kitty encounters Hiro in the park and heroics is planned.

Date: 5th January, 2008

Finding The Hero In You

Central Park, New York City

It is a beautiful late afternoon and while some people are out and about trying to enjoy the last of their day, others like Kitty are on a mission. Well for Kitty it's a mission of fitness. Wearing a pair of loose cotton black sweat pants and a white tank top, the woman is jogging and her hair is done up into a ponytail. She has been jogging for about thirty minutes now.

Hiro is on a mission of fitness as well, so to speak. He has other missions to attend to, of course, but as it becomes more and more likely that he's going to be getting into a confrontation before too long he's been brushing up on his swordsmanship. He doesn't have a real sword in hand at the moment, of course, the authorities would likely frown on that. Instead he holds a bokken, moving it through the air in precision motions. He's a little ways off the path, wanting to stay out of the way. Even a Japanese man wielding a wooden sword can be a little disconcerting for regular runners and power-walkers.

As the young woman continues her jog, she soon comes upon the spot that Hiro is training. "Hiro?" She hasn't seen the time traveler since they first met and is slightly shocked to see him right now in the park, in fact not to far from where they first met. "Brushing up on your sword skills huh?" Kitty places her hands on her hips and tilts her head at the man.

"Yes," Hiro says, letting the bokken hang at his side and turning to look at Kitty, "It is very relaxing."

But then realization dawns and he recongizes who he is talking to, "Kitty! Hello!"

"Hey big guy." Kitty says smiling warmly at him. "How you been? Haven't heard from you in a while. I was starting to wonder if everything was ok."

"Everything is alright," Hiro says, although that may not necessarily be true, "I have just been busy. What about you? What have you been doing?"

The mechanic winces and scratches her head. "Been working with my mom's million dollar company. Not entirely by choice, ya know but it's whatever at the moment." Kit folds her arms and walks closer to Hiro. "What have you been doing? You were suppose to call me." Kitty smiles softly at Hiro.

"I only just got a phone," Hiro says, retrieving the device from his pocket and holding it up - indeed it does look new, "Do you want the number? I wrote it down on a business card." He retrieves a business card for the regional manager of the IHOP with Hiro's own phone number scrawled neatly on the back, handing it over.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to use this to call you." Kitty says to Hiro and then looks down to his hands. "So you practice sword fighting a lot?"

"Not a lot, no," Hiro says, shrugging his shoulders a little, "My father taught me."

"Sounds like, that made for good father son time." Kitty says and leans against a nearby bench. "I wish there was some of that with my mother." Kitty looks upwards towards the sky absently.

"You have to find your middle ground," Hiro says, not exactly the best person for advice on relationships with parental figures but trying nonetheless, "Meet them half way."

"It doesn't help when they want you to be something that you aren't." Kit sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "So how is saving the world going?"

"It might seem that way, but you should take a closer look," Hiro says with a slight shrug of his shoulders, knowing the experience being described all too well. As for the world saving, all he can say is, "It goes. I think. The world is still here."

"What's it like? Being a hero?" Kitty then gets a grin on her face. "Care to have a sidekick? I'm pretty useful!" Kitty chuckles softly as she is joking. She doesn't have the faintest idea of what she would do, if she were doing the things Hiro was doing.

"Interesting," Hiro says after contemplating the question for a while, "And good. Its always good to help people. Although it isn't always easy." The sidekick question makes him smile a little, "You are special. You can be a hero yourself."

"I don't have the faintest clue as to where I would start being a /hero/, Hiro." Kitty says to the man and looks troubled slightly. "I want to help but I don't want to get in the way of people."

"A hero has to find that out for herself," Hiro says, looking apologetic, "But I will help if I can."

Kitty nods her head and stands straighter. "Yeah, I'll just you know, find out where someone needs my help." Kitty grins though she thinks she sounds stupid at the moment. She isn't some caped crusader.

"I could use help," Hiro pipes up suddenly, "To find my father. He has gone missing. Maybe I can call you and we can look for him?"

"With my.. ability." Kitty says softly to Hiro. "I'm sure we could find out something!" Kit looks excited and grins at Hiro. "Tell me what happened. I'll gladly help you look for him."

"He just went missing," Hiro explains rather lamely, "I don't know where he went or why he vanished. But I will find out. And you can help."

"Done." Kitty holds her hand out to Hiro and grins as she adds, "What's first?"

Hiro shakes the offered hand, "I think we should look in his office again. Tomorrow, though. And at night time. So we don't get spotted."

"Sounds like we have a plan then." Kitty nods her head. "We'll have to be very snea- well not with your bag of tricks." She smiles at Hiro. "So tomorrow night it is then."

Hiro nods and is quiet a moment. Suddenly, he remembers something and holds his phone out to Kitty, "Put your number in here?"

Kitty obliges and hands the phone back. "Just call me when you are ready to do this."

Hiro smiles, standing up and putting the phone back in his pocket, "I will. Thank you, Kitty."

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